Pantone Bundled Sets

Pantone Essentials
PANTONE® essentials cover your bases with this money saving six-guide set
formula guides coated, uncoated
color bridge™ coated, uncoated
cmyk process guides coated, uncoated
ballistic nylon carrying case
Includes Pantone's new 224 Colors! Six indispensable color guides that every print and graphic design professional needs to ensure quality results
Package includes:

PANTONE® Portable Guide Studio SetSet of nine new Pantone Guides
Get everything you need to stay current with the latest PANTONE color palettes
All guides contained in the set have received major updates during the past year, so you’ll have the confidence of knowing your color tools are in step with today’s standard GPG304A

PANTONE® REFERENCE LIBRARYNow with 224 New Pantone Colors!
A cost effective, convenient and complete solution
It is the perfect tool for design firms, print shops, corporate communications or anyone who requires a complete source for graphic color choices GPC305A